
Policy and technology: a "longue durée" view

Random thoughts on policy for technology and on technology for policy


April 2012

the explosion of apps for productivity

During our study on Enterprise 2.0 in 2010, Lee Bryant pointed out to the rise of the enterprise apps store.

I see now how right he was. Right now, my favourite productivity apps are:

  • Xmind for mindmapping
  • Evernote for notes
  • My Little Pomodoro for time management
  • Asana for task management
  • Dropbox for Sync
  • Flycut for smart copypaste
  • Yammer for internal company-level sharing
  • Menedeley + Skim for reading/highlighting
  • Jing for screencasting

What are yours?



Making sense of crowdsourcing

In the context of the Crossover project, I’m currently reviewing the state of the art in opinion mining and sentiment analysis.

In recent years, there’s been an explosion of new products, in particular in the field of social media analytics. I came across several of them, which I gathered in our Diigo group.

They all tend to provide information on What is being said; by Whom, where and when.

They all perform similar cycle: gather the raw data; transform it and process it; and deliver the final results.

However, most of them are applied in the private sectors, and therefore tend to focus on sentiment analysis, in order to detect how people feel about a product or service.

On the other hand, is more oriented towards government; it is more complex and enables users to perform itereatively all sorts of analysis, but therefore require more analytic skills; it can be used not only to process sentiments but actually to analyze ideas. In fact, it comes out of a research programme specifically designed to help processing the public comments to regulations.

Do you know any great application of opinion mining in government?

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